Monday, 30 January 2012

Monday Morning Rush Hour Amsterdam

Monday morning around the world; rush hour on the way to work normally makes the start of the week that little bit more annoying.....

I live on a tiny Island, not many people, not many cars. BUT everyone takes the same route into the one big town at 8am, so we too have a rush hour.

In light of every increasing environmental concerns, governments are trying to implement 'Bike Culture' on a global scale in an effort to reduce carbon emissions. Amsterdam is a leader in this field..............fabulous.... or so I thought

I came across a really interesting article here which talks about the number of abandoned bikes in the city. Apparently, there are 1 million bikes in Amsterdam....compared to 750,000 people.

The problem is 15% of bikes parked outside are unused and this leads to great removal costs to the government. When I think about it, it's quite a predictable or logical problem. But given that most of those 'ghost bikes' are left within the city centre... I can understand the frustration of people trying to tether their bikes in the few available spaces.

......I wonder if 'bike road rage' exists'?

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