Wednesday, 7 March 2012

3 Days to Go

It's kind of just hit me this evening; which would explain the underlying unnerving feeling of uneasiness I've had all day.

We have three days left. THREE DAYS.

I have fallen into a strange pitfall of security; it's only Wednesday (mid week) and we don't fly to Amsterdam until early Monday morning (early NEXT week)

BUT in reality we leave for Britain ass-early Sunday morning which means, from now, we have THREE DAYS ..........and a MOUNTAIN of things to do

This is my current bedroom floor. Everything WAS neatly and efficiently packed away in a large roll bag (by my mother, not me. I'm 33.......................... shut-up, it keeps us both happy)

However, I realized yesterday that I (she) had packed away EVERYTHING I could possibly want to wear BEFORE I leave as well as during my trip. Hence, carnage in the bedroom. I am still waiting on another (larger) bag arriving - really really hoping for tomorrow, so I can get 'neated up' again. 

And then there's all the little things I can't do until the last minute; cut the dog's hair, bath the dog, vacuum the house, clean the bathroom blablablablabla.....AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

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