Friday, 16 March 2012

Dam Square Amsterdam and The Sex Museum

So it's now taking me only 15 minutes from I leave my apartment, get on the correct tram in the correct direction, until I am right at Dam Square in the center of Amsterdam. 

Yesterday was just beautiful for an Irish girl; not to hot, about 18 degrees and lovely hazy sunshine.

The is Madame Tussauds. We are tight on money at the moment; and literally you could spend 100's between two people very very easily every single day. Take a 1 hour canal tour €15 each, attraction like Madame Tussauds 1 hour €15 each, lunch €40 for 2, dinner €60 for 2, all the little coffee and snack breaks inbetween EASILY € a dress €25. That's €225 right there between two people in one day (presuming only I buy a dress and not Andrew)

It would be so easy to go through money so we are having to be very careful. Everything smells and looks wonderful. But on a day like yesterday it's lovely to sit outside. We bought a packet of Brioche bread for €1.65 for 10 rolls; and the biggest tub of potato salad I have ever seen for €1.85 with some ham at €2.00; and that was lovely. 

We watched this guy for a while who drew quite a crowd. This is the middle of his act where he was contorting his body through the center of a tennis racket whilst balance a glass ball on his head. Later he put a fire ball down his trousers.

One of the attractions I remember vividly from the last time I was in Amsterdam was the SEX MUSEUM. I took my mother and didn't allow her to go into the S&M section. I've been to a sex museum in New York and it wasn't great. They were showing One Night In Paris projected on a wall...lots of porn clips everywhere and 'shock factor'

But the Sex Museum in Amsterdam is really really 'arty' Lots of paintings, comics, sculptures and photographs going back 100's of years. It's a historical walk through the sex industry, social perception and it's influence on art. Really interesting and quite funny; the ground floor has a real 'Fun Fair feel'.

The best thing about it? It costs only €4.00 to get in (and they have toilets) Everyone's a winner

1 comment:

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