Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Free Boat Trip In Amsterdam - GVB

I did a generic search for the millionth time the other morning for 'free things to do in Amsterdam'.

I came across something which I can't believe I previously missed. At Central the back of central station to be exact, there are 6 different little ferry ports (they really are pint sized little ferries) that take you across the harbour to the other side of Amsterdam for FREE

Fabulous! The 6 different boats to you to 6 different destinations, each a little further along the water front. They run every few minutes. There is always a boat loading or unloading; no tickets are required. Bikes go through one door, people through the other and if you so wish, you can all stand outside in the fresh air during the 5 - 10 minute trip.

Technically, this boat is not for cars. But I saw several of these little vehicles on the various boats, and numerous ones tooting around the streets on the other side; it was little being in an episode of Mr Men. They are a 2 seater and (I presume) with a very low power engine, but they can fit anywhere and, boy, can they shift at speed!

Some of the apartments on the other side; a nice large modern residential area over to the far right of the map
This is a pub!!! The tiniest little pub in the world! (Not officially, but in my world it was) The Tiniest Little Pub adorable. With Grolsch and pussy cats in the window, in equal measure.

This is a new large, impressively architecturally modern building which is going to be a Film Museum, due to open on 5th April 2012. The Frog Shaped building to the left is also new, filled with lots of fashionable looking important young people...... in fact, beyond that building again there were several new apartmet blocks, close to finish ,as yet unoccupied. I'd say they will be pretty impressive places to live, given the view of Amsterdam across the way.

One of the many little water side houses. It was a lovely way to spend a morning, going back and forward to the various little ports. I also spotted a Water Taxi and got far too excited, I thought they only existed in cartoons. The free ferries run from 7am during the week, 9am at the weekend until midnight.

Once again, free.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it was really sweet; a nice little journey back and forth and nice areas to walk around on the other side; not really any tourists over there either........and things like this are always enjoyable when they're free!

    2. I HAVE to go there someday! It's on my bucket list :)
